This past weekend in Deer River, there was the biggest Wild Rice Festival in the world! A big claim to fame for a town of just a few hundred people!!! Anywhooo, part of the weekend includes a Bike Rodeo put on by the area law enforcement offices (I think!!!) You can bring your bike and they will check and make sure everything is working right, and everything is tight and so forth and so on, and then they have a course that you ride through, with different check points. Then you “pass” the course, that is if you bring a bike…. Which, because I worked an overnight the night before, I left at home. Oh, well… the next events were what we went there for anyway. They have area businesses donate new bikes of all sizes (trikes up to adult bikes) and they have a drawing for each size and give them away. I entered all three of the kids, and myself. Aubrie and Wyatte had their names drawn and won bikes!!! Aubrie won a trike
This bike is at least a size bigger than the one he has now, and he LOVES this one! He calls it his hot wheels bike, I think because of the flames but I am not sure… He took it camping with us this past week, and even though he has yet to totally figure out the pedaling part, loves riding! I am hoping to take him to a flat tarred spot this week and see if he can get it there, as opposed to our rocky unlevel driveway.
Both the trike and the bike came with helmets too! Donated by another company, so that is pretty neat. Safety first!!!
Nevaeh has decided that she is big enough to ride a real bike too, and while Wyatte’s old Spiderman bike is ok, she really wants a pink or purple Princess one! What a “girl” she turned into all of a sudden!!! Don’t get me wrong I am glad she is embracing her girly side, but I am a little scared for the tween years!!!
After the bike rodeo we got in line to see Dora!!! Enjoying the Dilly Bars they were giving away complements of… you guessed it Dairy Queen!!!
I think they were still watching people win bikes at this time. The two boys standing with Wyatte are Sam and Seth, friends of ours from church. We had lots of church friends meet up with us there! Such a fun time.
This was the boys sneaking ahead in the line to see Dora and Boots! They were super cute!!!
We had seen her last summer at the Mall of America Nickelodeon Amusement Park, and both kids were pretty scared of her then. This time it was only Nevaeh! She thought Dora was pretty cool until we had to stand right next to her! Wyatte and Aubrie were pretty impressed with Boots being there, and Map was in Backpack!!!
In this one you can see that Nevaeh is pretty much terrified! Kinda felt bad, but I know she enjoyed it!
Don’t mind my pudgy belly in any of those pictures, kinda takes away the whole cute factor… I am working on it though.
After Dora we went and got tickets, and let the kids ride a couple of the rides they had there.
Well Wyatte and Nevaeh got to go on rides, Aubrie had to hang out in the stroller… next year baby girl! Doesn’t look like she minded too bad right!?!?!
Wyatte wanted to go on ALL the rides, but seeing as they were 3$ a kid per ride, I couldn’t let him. Hopefully when the fair rolls around we will be able to hit up the wristband day/time and he can get his fill then. He was pretty tired and that made it worse, but he was pretty mad that I only let him go on two rides. He did still enjoy him self! I had to go on the merry-go-round with them so that is why the pictures aren’t the greatest, but oh well!
All in all it was a good day.
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