I have a TON of pictures from things between my last post and this one, but am too tired (I just rollerbladed a couple of miles and am pretty sore too…) to get up and get them. So for now you are going to have to jump ahead in the Hoard Family Timeline a few events!!!
Every year we have a community event called Tall Timber Days, I guess I don’t really know why, but it is. Maybe I can look it up and find out. There are vendors there with all kinds of goodies; cotton candy, mini donuts, gyros, beautiful pictures, doll clothes, carved rocks, engraved picture frames, sports stuff, if you want it you can pretty much find it here! The town brings in a Lumber Jack Show (which I have pictures of too, but they are on the card that I am too lazy to go get…) This year it wasn’t as good, alot of adult humor that I don’t think they needed to put in. The kids did enjoy it and i am grateful for the fact that they are still too young to “get” any of that kind of humor. No we didn’t win the chair that they accidently make, but we did have fun! We had a couple extra kids for the show, two of John’s nephews. Our kids have a ton of fun with them and get along great so it wasn’t really that hard having five!!! Now if we get pregnant with twins don’t quote me on that!!!
Part of the festivities on Sunday are a parade. For the GRHS it is a pretty big deal because it is the first performance after band camp. Kirk (my baby brother) is in the marching band again this year. Took me a few pictures to find him, and a fellow parade attendee yelling at me to “Run, Sharalee, Run!!!”
This was my first picture of him! Can you find him???
A little better one, but you have to know who you are looking for. He is the 3rd one in the back row, playing the bari sax.
Here is the crew that we sat with! All of them are from church. The W’s, the B’s, the P’s, the C’s, the B’s and us. Lots of kids huh!!!
Aubrie being the candy hound that she is. She was totally content being held until she realized that they were throwing CANDY!!! She starts making her little noise, that I can’t figure out how to spell(!!!) and about jumps out of my arms! Couldn’t hardly keep her still after that. She is my daredevil too, doesn’t care that there is a car
barreling down the road going .0005 miles an hour!!! Wyatte loved this rig most of all. Not totally sure what it is, anyone else know??? I think our guess was the fire truck at the airport, but…
The boy waving in the middle is a friend of our, V. Wyatte really enjoys spending time with him and was super excited to see him in the parade.
One of the only other times Aubrie was still was when she joined Katie Lady in the wagon that Heidi bought at a garage sale (that we got up at a ridiculous hour to drive to Cambridge for!!! I have pictures from that day too, but guess where they are… Yep!)
Loving the small cars.
Aubrie was getting tired and so buckled her up in the stroller and gave her some animal crackers.
John and I can’t remember the name of the tortoise but the kids loved him!
Looking at the turtles before the turtle races.
Picking out a “painting” turtle.
Getting to touch and closely see the tortoise.
The hare didn’t even move!!! So much for a speedy hare, slow and steady did win the race though!!!
Wyatte was trying to whistle to the hare to get him to come!
Waiting for his name to be called so he could race a turtle.
Nevaeh didn’t want to touch hers, so Grandpa Stan rescued us and helped! Thanks Grandpa Stan.
The turtle at the top middle of the top picture ended up winning, Wyatte and Nevaeh’s turtles the two that are still in the center ring! They didn’t want to leave home plate… oh well, they still had fun!
Enjoying some mini donuts after the races. Just a note of precaution, make sure you wash your hands after you touch a turtle. Wyatte has been sick for a couple of days, and we didn’t know why. I still don’t, but as you can see he was the only one to actually hold the turtle, then didn’t wash his hands and is seen above shoveling donuts into his mouth. So just be more careful than we were and WASH YOUR HANDS. Not something that you think of all the time when you are doing this fun kind of stuff, but necessary none-the-less.
Hope you enjoyed seeing these, and hopefully I will get my butt fingers moving and get some other pictures loaded for you to see what else we have been up to! Have a great day.
Turtles are known for carrying Salmonella. There's a little blurb on it put out by the CDC that basically says that you can't buy turtles in the US under 4 inches and they think they have prevented 100,000 salmonella cases annually in children by having this ban. Crazy. I'd be calling my doc if I were you. Here's the site I read: http://www.cdc.gov/HEALTHYPETS/spotlight_an_turtles.htm
i hope he got better... turtles actually carry salmonella (sp?).
looks like you had a fun time at the parade, etc. Hope Wyatte is doing better.
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