Aubrie is officially over a year now. Scary how fast this last year went. We didn't really do anything on her actual birthday. Her first party is tonight, with my dad and Karen coming over. Along with at least one of my brothers, maybe two. Monday is going to be her actual party. Grandma Kris, Grandma Margaret, Grandma Linda, Grandpa Tuffy, and a bunch of Aunts, and Uncles, and Great Aunts and Great Uncles, and Cousins are all coming over to help us celebrate!!! Wyatte said she needed a pink cake, with white frosting and sprinkles. Since John turns 31 on the 21st, I let him pick the meal. So fried fish, scalloped potatoes, salad and cake and ice cream are on the menu.
Just a side note, as I sit here writing this, I have the windows and the door open. The sun is pouring in the window along with the 50 degree weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!! I took the doors off of the Wrangler today after work and drove home with warm air pouring in around me!!! It was great
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