There have been other goings on in our life lately. A good friend of ours from church had an adorable little boy, Benjamin. This year alone (from January to December...) there are/have been 11 or 12 babies born in our church! Out of that 11 or 12 babies, Benjamin is only the 2nd boy!!!! So it is a good thing that the last "round" of babies was all boys so that this large group of girls will have some choices when it comes to picking out boyfriends!!!!!!!!!! lol!!! Anyways, last Friday, Aubrie and I made the trip to Duluth with Miss Heidi and Baby Katie to see this new handsome boy Benjamin and his mama Heidi! It was a fun trip. Just the girls on the way there! Lunch at Olive Garden, and for some reason Aubrie HATES it there. Everytime we have taken her in there she just screams and screams and screams. Miss Heidi told me today that it was like a totally different girl. She did end up falling asleep, but only because I wrapped her inside her blanket (like a burrito) and held her tightly to me with out letting her move and she finally screamed/cried her self to sleep. Other than that the trip was fun. We met up with some other friends of ours from church, and enjoyed lunch with them. I do have some pics of Benjamin and everyone there visiting him, but want to get permission from the mommies and daddies before I put them up.
I got the kids' pics taken by one of the Daddies that we know from church. Chris took them yesterday morning, they emailed me their favorites and John and I picked from them. They are going to clean them up and stuff, then post them to a site called MPIX and we can order them from there. I am letting you all know this, because it is a flat shipping rate of 5$ per order, so if you want a pic of the kids, please let me know by sending me an email at and I will add it to the order. Once they are up you can let me know which one(s) you want and what size, and as long as a thousand of you don't order them I will play for them and the mail them to you when we get them. They aren't up yet, but hopefully soon!
Last week one of John's sister's boys, Asher, turned 2. He is a month and a day younger than Nevaeh. They have a lot of fun together when we see them. It is kinda sad because they lived right down the road from us and we hardly ever saw them. Noah is Wyatte's favorite boy in the world (Asher's older brother...) and we can't seem to find a time to have him come over... Anyways here are a couple of pics from the party that we had to celebrate Asher turning 2, and his oldest sister going off to college for the 1st time.
One of my Aunt Marilyn's neices, Shea, was here with her husband, Shawn, this last week. She is one of my cousin's cousin's, if that makes sense... They live out in California and were here for only a week or so, we almost didn't make it over to see them, but finally snuck in a short visit with her!
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